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The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life

The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life


On this page:-

  1. In Year Admissions
  2. Applying for Reception Sept 2024
  3. Applying for Secondary School Sept 2024
  4. Admission criteria and allocation
  6. Where to appeal
  7. Published Admission Numbers (PAN)
  8. Further Information

To apply for a nursery place, please see Nursery Admissions

When making an application for admission, parents are asked to give careful consideration to:

a) Their commitment to supporting the vision, mission statement and aims of the school and their willingness to support their child’s education.

b)Their commitment to ensuring that their child attends the school regularly and arrives punctually each day.


In Year Admissions (start or move schools during the school year)

You will need to make an in-year school application if:

  • your child lives in Brent and does not currently have a school place
  • you have a school place but wish to transfer to a school in Brent
  • you have recently arrived in Brent and you have school aged children.

If your child is already in school and you are thinking about a transfer to another school, you will need to be aware that many schools will already be full. It is advised that you avoid changing school when your child is in Year 6 of primary school or Year 10 or 11 of secondary school. This is an important time in your child’s education so you should only consider moving school if there is very good reason to do so.

Make your in-year application here


Applying for Reception Sept 2024

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, you need to apply for them to start primary school in September 2024

Apply for your child’s school place online at Applying online is quick and easy. You will need access to an email address to register and create an account. Correspondence will also be sent to this email address.


Applying for Secondary School Sept 2024

If your child is in year 6, you need to apply for a Secondary School

Apply for your child’s school place online at Applying online is quick and easy. You will need access to an email address to register and create an account. Correspondence will also be sent to this email address.


Admission criteria and allocation

Brent Council is the Admission Authority for its Community Primary Schools and is responsible for formally agreeing the admissions criteria for these schools. We also publish a 'Scheme of Co-ordination' which explains how the council will co-ordinate all applications received for children applying to start primary or secondary school at the beginning of September. Admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria for voluntary aided (faith), foundation schools and academies are below.

When there are more applications for Brent community schools than there are places available, pupils are offered places according to the oversubscription criteria listed below. Children with special educational needs (SEN) who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) have priority over other applicants for admission to the school named on their plan.

The oversubscription criteria for entry to Brent community schools in 2024-25 are:

1. Looked after or previously looked after children

A looked after child or a previously looked after child, including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

2. Children attending infant school

Children attending an infant school on the same site as a junior school.

3. Medical or social needs

Exceptional circumstances to do with significant medical needs and/or social needs which necessitate a child's placement at one particular school.

4. Children of staff

Children whose parent is a member of staff who has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application or has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

5. Siblings

Brothers or sisters of a child who attends the school, or an infant or junior school on the same or adjoining site and who will continue to do so on the date of admission. 

6. Any other applicants

Tie break

Within each criterion, priority will be given to children that live closest to the school.

The distance from home to school will be measured by a straight line, from a point in the property to a point in the school determined by the grid references set by the Ordnance Survey.

The measuring system is an integral part of the admission software, uses Ordnance Survey maps and the LLPG (Local Land Property Gazetteer) and is accurate to 1 metre.

Catchment areas

Catchment areas only apply for in-year admissions to community schools during the 2023-24 academic year and have been removed from admission arrangements from 2024-25. A catchment area is the defined neighbourhood in which the school is located. It is generally bounded by major roads and/or railway or tube lines.

Pupils will be admitted without reference to ability or aptitude.



Appeals for reception and junior (Year 3) places 2024/25

National offer day for children starting Primary school in the reception year or Junior school in Year 3 in September 2024 is 16 April 2024.

You can appeal for a place at any school you listed as a preference on your application that you were not offered. The deadline to return the appeal application is 15 May 2024.

Details of the appeals timetable are provided in the table below.

National Offer Day -  notifications sent out

16 April 2024

Deadline for appeals

15 May 2024

On time appeals will be heard by

17 July 2024

Appeals received after the deadline will be heard by

within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.*

Written notice of individual appeal dates will be provided to parents

10 school days prior to the hearing date**

Submission of additional evidence from parents is required by

7 working days prior to the date of the appeal hearing***

The Admissions Authority is required to submit its case by

7 working days prior to the date of the appeal hearing***

* appeals received after 15 May 2024 may not be heard until the autumn term as appeals do not take place during school holidays.

** unless the parent has waived their right to this notice period.

*** additional evidence may be accepted by the panel after this time.

This timetable applies for Brent Community Schools. Other primary schools in Brent may follow a different timetable. For Secondary School appeal timetables, please contact the schools directly.

In-year admissions

Appeals resulting from in-year applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.


Where to appeal

We can only deal with appeals to community schools in Brent. Appeals for a Brent community school place should be made to us using the forms below.

Appeals are heard by an independent appeal panel.

It is essential that you read and understand the appeals process before submitting a request for an appeal.

Appeals forms

Appeals processes vary according to what school year your child is applying for.

  • Email us for an appeal form for key stage 1 and 2 (Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6).
  • All Brent secondary schools are foundation, voluntary aided, free schools or academies. For secondary school (Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and sixth form), appeals should be made in writing to the chair of governors. Contact the school for more information.

We can assist in the appeals process in certain cases. During the process if you want to talk to anyone about your application, please contact the Brent School Admissions Service.


Published Admission Numbers (PAN)

Nursery 30
Reception 30
Year 1 90
Year 2 90
Year 3 90
Year 4 90
Year 5 90
Year 6 90


Further Information

Parents who are interested in applying for a nursery place should phone the school and arrange a visit to collect an application form. When filling in our school based admissions form after a place has been offered or when applying for a nursery place parents are required to bring two firm pieces of evidence of their child’s current address and a birth certificate or passport as evidence of the child’s date of birth. When a child has been offered a place and a start date given they will be introduced to their class teacher before they start at the school.