Who to Talk to When
At The Stonebridge School we are committed to working in partnership with all parents and carers to ensure the very best education for our children. With this in mind, your suggestions, queries and concerns are very important to us and we aim to respond to these effectively and quickly.
Start and End of the Day
The Headteacher and/ or a member of the Leadership Team are in the playground at the start and end of the day. We aim to make ourselves as visible and accessible to parents as possible – no problem is too small or big for us to hear. We prefer to have issues raised to avoid anyone “sitting on” worries or anxieties.
Enquiries or concerns must always go:
1st to the Teacher; if no result then…
2nd to the Deputy Head. If the issue is not resolved then…
Finally to the Head teacher or Chair of Governors
Teachers are always available at the end of the day. However, if you need to talk with the class teacher about sensitive matters or those in more detail, teachers will suggest making an appointment, as talking at length at the classroom door or in the playground before or after school is difficult for the teacher and the children
School leaders are available each day to answer immediate concerns or complaints that have not been resolved by teachers, safeguarding, health or safety or if time is pressing.
Please speak to the headteacher if the concerns raised have not been resolved to your satisfaction by other staff members that were first approached. It is possible to make appointments with the Head teacher at very short notice according to her availability, through the school office.
Notices, news and communication
SchoolComms is the school communication app. We ask that parents download this onto their phones. All news and information about upcoming events, letters and updates are communicated via this app.
The fortnightly newsletter is communicated via the app also and has a lot of key information in it.
The Head teacher also holds a monthly coffee morning where you can share your ideas and any concerns. We love to see parents/carers come to these for that personal touch.
Welcome meetings and Learning Consultation Evenings
Research shows that children are much more successful when parents are actively involved in their child’s school life
This means attending welcome meetings, l Learning Consultation Evenings, Curriculum Evenings and Open Days, assemblies, school visits and supporting daily reading and home learning.
You will be invited to Learning Consultation Meetings with your child’s teacher in the Autumn term, at the end of the Spring term, and finally in the summer when you will receive an end of year written report and can make an appointment if you need to discuss anything in the report.
We hope that you are happy with everything at our school. However, should you have reason to complain, it is important to know how to act.
In the first instance complaints should be taken to the class teacher, the Deputy Head or the Headteacher. Most complaints can be solved with the school by talking to members of staff.
However, if you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can make a formal complaint to the Governing Body. Full details can be found in our Complaints Policy which can be located on our policies page by clicking…... A copy is available on request at the school office.