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The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life

The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life

Home Reading (Bug Club)


At Stonebridge Primary School we use a reading programme called ‘Bug Club’. Bug Club is an online reading world which ensures children can access reading resources anywhere at any time.

This site hosts a huge range of books to compliment children’s reading in class and engage them with reading.

Class teachers have set up learners and allocated books appropriate for their level. Each child has a personalised homepage where they'll find the eBooks they've been allocated by their teacher and motivating rewards.

Reading at home is one of the most important things you can do to support your child so we hope this provides another way for you and your child to share and enjoy books at home.

*If your child needs support logging in, please follow the process below:

Logging into Bug Club:

Each child has a unique homepage, and can log into it by following these steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter your login details.

Username: Use details given in your child’s home learning and reading record book

Password: Use details given in your child’s home learning and reading record book

School Code: qhrp

*If you have any problems accessing Bug Club, please speak with your child’s class teacher.

Bug Club Books

Books have been allocated according to children’s reading levels and these will appear in the ‘My Stuff’ area of their personal homepage. Throughout the books there are quiz questions to complete and to answer a question, just click on the bug icon. When all the quiz questions have been answered in a book, children will earn ‘Active Learn Coins’ which can be spent in the online shop. Details will be sent back to your class teacher and your book will move into your personal library online.

*For further information, please click on the below links:

Welcome to Bug Club:

Bug Club overview slides:

Guide to Bug Club book bands: